We want to keep poison prevention for parents & sitters as simple as possible. Every parent & caregiver should have a plan when life goes sideways, and Poison Control is there to help.

They put everything in their mouth

The baby’s job for the first 2 years is to put everything they find, that will fit, into their mouth. Sometimes they will even suck on crib rails and other large items. Why is this you may ask? Because they are using their super sensitive mouth to explore their world.  Your job is to be sure that they do not ingest, inhale, or encounter a toxic substance that can be absorbed by the skin during their exploration.

The role of Poison Control

Poison Control tells you what to do if you or the child swallows, splashes, or gets stung by something that may be harmful. These services are both FREE & CONFIDENTIAL.

What to expect when you call

When you call Poison Control, your call will be routed to the Poison Center that serves your local area. Your call will be managed by a Poison Specialist who is a registered nurse or pharmacist. These are nice people and are always on point.

Personal note: I managed retail stores for years and called Poison Control many times for customers whose children ingested random items.

Did you know?

  1. To a child many medications look like candy; this can prove traumatic.
  2. Some children’s vitamins contain iron that can poison your child if they swallow just a few.
  3. Toothpaste contains fluoride which can be toxic.
  4. Mouthwash, in large amounts, can be dangerous and it tastes good.
  5. From a child’s POV, many household cleaners are the same colors as various fruit juices.

Personal note: When I was a child, it seemed all medicine tasted bad, and a second dose was out of the question. Now, many of the newest children’s liquid medicines taste great. My three-year-old requested, “more please”, for a bubble gum flavored anti-biotic.

Call right away!

If you suspect a poisoning, contact poison control immediately at 1-800-222-1222. Save this number in your phone right now. We recommend that if you are a parent, contact Poison Control before you contact your pediatrician. Also, if you are a sitter or a nanny, contact Poison Control before contacting the parents.

Proactive prevention

By adopting these 4 habits, you can reduce the chances of a poisoning episode:

  1. Never call medicine “candy” or say that it “tastes like candy”.
  2. Follow prescription medication directions closely & keep them in their original container.
  3. Always turn on abundant lights when preparing, giving, or taking medication.
  4. Lock up or remove household cleaners and insecticides.

Poison prevention for parents & sitters

We recommend keeping your home “clutter free” and all the countertops clear.

Lock all cabinet drawers and doors below the countertop. Contact your local professional for an in-home consultation to discover the best locks/latches for your home. We have used the same lock for 19+ years. It can be turned on or off and is the last lock you will ever put on your cabinets.

poison prevention for parents & sitters
Cabinet locks for “off limits” drawers.

Here are 4 great benefits of having locked cabinets


1. Prevents injuries to the child

A) Pinched or severed fingers. A baby’s fingers are tiny and delicate.

B) Unsecured items can lead to choking. Remember: “they put everything in their mouth”.

C) Reduce the chances of cuts/punctures from contents such as skewers and knives in the kitchen to razors in the bath along with scissors and pencils in the desk.

D) Prevent chemical burns to the skin and of course poisonings.

poison prevention for parents & sitters
Childproof cabinets with household cleaners.
2. Prevents trip hazards

With Infant House’s recommendations, you will greatly reduce trip hazards from the contents of the cabinets. Babies are really good at emptying cabinets!

3. Prevent damage to cabinet contents

Glass and appliances are often in the lower cabinets of the kitchen, and these are not good toys for toddlers. Photo albums and other keepsakes are at risk in unsecured cabinets.

poison prevention for parents & sitters
Childproof cabinet locks for glassware to prevent damage and injuries.
4. Reduce stress!

A baby can empty a cabinet in a matter of seconds. At this point, you must put it back and potentially wash off the baby slobber (“they put everything in their mouth”) and other possible debris such as pet hair, dust, and kitchen crumbs before you put it back into the cabinet. I would choose not to do this.

Resource to dispose of old medications: My Old Meds


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